Monday, November 3


November is a lonely waif
With wistful wide-eyed ways.
Subdued by the flamboyance of
The bright October days.
And feeling very small before
December's sparkling glance
Never mind, November, twirl
Your tattered skirts and dance.
Dance a bittersweet ballet
With the leaves that fly away !!


Grammy Staffy said...

I love this poem and your last post. You share such nice things with us.

I'm glad to be back. I had a great trip to Kentucky but I did miss checking on all of my blog friends.

I hope this finds you well.

I hope that you had a happy birthday while I was gone.

Have a great day.

Holly Conger said...

That's beautiful Grandma. We got your "Thank You's" in the mail yesterday. Lydia felt so special that her card was your favorite! She just kept saying "I can't believe my card was her favorite, Mommy!" That was very sweet of you to tell her that. She worked for almost and hour on it. She is such a thoughtful little girl! Love ya!