There has not been a single day since the world began when the sun was not shining. The trouble has been with our vision.
Wednesday, July 29
Mom and Dad

Monday, July 27
Tuesday, July 21

Dan Millman from: Everyday Enlightenment
George Bernard Shaw once remarked that "the ignorant are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt."
This quote really got me thinking...which am I...I am full of self-doubt, but this 'Long Journey' through the mental illness with my daughter, has made me question many things about life. No, mental illness is not fair....yes, it i difficult to deal with.... would we have chosen this for our daughter, her family and our family....quite possibly not...but then I reflect back, see far more difficult situations and am then thankful for our troubles. The old say "walk a mile in my shoes, before you criticize me" has much meaning. My feelings are; we are given troubles in this life to grow as human beings. I would pray that my troubles have made me grow as a human being, that I have learned hard lessons, and in doing so, have become more compassionate towards my fellow man.
There have been a couple of times in my life, when things got eye-brow level, I have simply stepped back from the situation. The step back was due to the actions of certain people. People that should have known better. Some people have judged me because I did so, but they didn't know all the facts about why. I made the choice a couple of years ago, to step back and re-group. I did so for myself and my family. I do know that you can come back with a renewed sense of self-worth, inner peace, and strength. It is a feeling I cannot put into words...but the inner peace is there
Friday, July 10

Hold it at the proper distance and it can be examined and properly classified.
Throw it at your feet and it can be seen in its true setting, just one more tiny bump on the pathway of life.
This is how I feel about life. Too many times when one has troubles, your troubles can take over your life, instead of you taking control over your own life. All the years I was growing up, Mom and Dad had a little plaque on the wall that read:
Dad and Mom were very wise. They taught my sister Sandra, brother Tom , and myself about life. They taught us to be honest, trustworthy, have carry through, and that our word was binding. These are positive character traits.
My daughter has Schizophrenia and this has been a difficult card to be dealt, both for her and our family. But it is alright.... I firmly believe that we are given obstacles in this life, to help us grow. These obstacles were determined long before we journeyed into this world. These difficulties, and how we handled them, how we treated people along the way, is how we will be judged on our journey out of this world.
Yes, life is like the title of my blog "The Long Journey". The STIGMA associated with mental illness is over whelming. Even agencies and people that should know better, throw in the towel when the going gets rough. They leave families and people suffering high and dry...is there possibly an element of self-service.
Answerable to a higher power some day.....oh yes !!!
This is the reason I am so dedicated to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. I guess you could say "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade".... One thing I have noticed is people with disabilities are treated differently. Some people are given loads of help, while others have to fen for themselves. I guess it depends on which way the wind is blowing....