Friday, July 10


A trouble is like a pebble. Hold it too close to your eyes and it fills the whole world and puts everything out of focus.

Hold it at the proper distance and it can be examined and properly classified.

Throw it at your feet and it can be seen in its true setting, just one more tiny bump on the pathway of life.

This is how I feel about life. Too many times when one has troubles, your troubles can take over your life, instead of you taking control over your own life. All the years I was growing up, Mom and Dad had a little plaque on the wall that read:


Dad and Mom were very wise. They taught my sister Sandra, brother Tom , and myself about life. They taught us to be honest, trustworthy, have carry through, and that our word was binding. These are positive character traits.

My daughter has Schizophrenia and this has been a difficult card to be dealt, both for her and our family. But it is alright.... I firmly believe that we are given obstacles in this life, to help us grow. These obstacles were determined long before we journeyed into this world. These difficulties, and how we handled them, how we treated people along the way, is how we will be judged on our journey out of this world.

Yes, life is like the title of my blog "The Long Journey". The STIGMA associated with mental illness is over whelming. Even agencies and people that should know better, throw in the towel when the going gets rough. They leave families and people suffering high and there possibly an element of self-service.

Answerable to a higher power some day.....oh yes !!!

This is the reason I am so dedicated to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. I guess you could say "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade".... One thing I have noticed is people with disabilities are treated differently. Some people are given loads of help, while others have to fen for themselves. I guess it depends on which way the wind is blowing....


Grammy Staffy said...

What an inspirational and touching post. You are so right. Sometimes we do hold our troubles close to our eyes and they do take up our whole view and fill our world. It is good if we can put them into proper prospective.

Your mom and dad were wise to teach you all that they did and that success comes in cans and failures in can't.

How is your daughter with Schizophrenia doing? Does she live at home with you? Does she do ok with medication?... or does the medication drug her and make her feel like she is in a stooper like I saw in the movie "A beautiful Mind"?

Thanks for looking into my computer problems at your class today. I would love to find out how to make this new memory card work.

I send love. Lura

Susie Homemaker said...

Hello Friend,
You have such a wonderful, positive outlook. I draw strength from your posts...your daughter is lucky to have a mother who will stick by her and not give up on her.
The "system" does discriminate...I have seen this many times. I am glad you are a champion of the mentally disabled.

Bless you Dear Friend,