Monday, October 13


This is a song the resonates in my mind all day. I wonder why, with the way the world is going, if this wouldn't be a good point to start with at turning things around. I am concerned about my children, grandchildren and great-grand children's future. If each of us would adopt this philosophy, every day of our lives, we could turn the direction the world is taking. Maybe it is simplistic, but would it be worth a try !!!!


Grammy Staffy said...

I have always loved this song. My audio doesn't work on this computer but I was singing along with the pictures.

I just want to say good morning and let you know that I am thinking of you.
My tummy isn't behaving itself this morning... I hope I can get it to behave and accomplish some tasks today....I don't have time to waste in bed with a disagreeable tummy.

Have a good day.

Grandma B said...


Sorry you are under the weather today...."some days are like that, yah they are !!".

Today will be a laid back day for me with it being a holiday. I am going to TRY to catch up on things that need to be done around the house. For some reason, housework has taken a back-seat lately. Oh well, there's alwasys tomorrow.

Please let me know how you are feeling Lura....I could come down and keep you company...oh sure.