Friday, October 17



This is without a doubt, the funniest spoof video I have watched in a long time during this presidential campaign. If and when we get to the point when all the seriousness overshadows the levity, then we are in trouble. I am still laughing......enjoy !!!

FYI....I did watch the debate this past Wednesday night......and yes, there are serious issues....but to me the issue of "Joe the Plumber" borders on the ridiculous when the economy is down, mental health issues need to be addressed, the war in Iraq is costing this country billions of dollars, but the most important thing is our veterans coming back with post traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injuries, neck and back problems, and a myriad of other issues. Senior citizens who have worked all their lives, saved for a rainy day, and the young people who contribute to their 401-K accounts, are seeing their retirement income disappearing before their eyes. Families are being displaced because of the housing scandal, and the "fat cats" have waltzed away with the Golden Parachute payments, never being held accountable for their actions. These are serious issues that need to be addressed......

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