Saturday, December 13


When winter waves his magic wand
a fairyland appears;
The shrubs along the picket fence
are knights in shining spears.
The fountain is a crystal throne
where old King Jack Frost rules;
The evergreens are stately queens
in silvery lace and jewels.
The fence-post sentinels at the gate,
whose hats are frosty globes,
Command that all who enter here
be dressed in ermine robes.
Edith Powell Wortman

Sunday, the 21st of December, is the first day of winter. Today it is snowing here and it's "beginning to look allot like Christmas."

1 comment:

Chrysie said...

Hello, my name is Chystal Crowley and Edith Powell Wortman was my Grandmother. As I find time I do some searching on the web for the family tree and ran across your blog which I quite enjoyed reading. Just wanted to say hello and let you know that it warms my heart to see that others appreciate the writings of my Grandmother as much as I do. God Bless!