Saturday, May 23



South winds jostle them,
Bumblebees come,
Hover, hesitate,
Drink, and are gone.

Butterflies pause
On their passage Cashmere;
I, softly plucking them,
Present them here!

Does anyone remember, years ago, when the veterans in the American Legion, would sell the poppies to raise funds for their organization? I can remember as a young adult on Memorial Day weekend, when the veterans would come door-to-door and sell the poppies. I often wonder... why did they stop doing that?

1 comment:

Grammy Staffy said...

Now that you mention it I do remember that. It was a lovely thing. I remember them selling them with a little card attached that said something nice about our vets.
I was always amazed when I was teaching that the majority of my students had no idea why we were getting a day off from day had no special meaning to them..just a holiday from school.

I wish that we were as patriotic as we used to be. I wish that we all honored our veterans as much as we should.
Have a lovely weekend. I send my best to you and Ned.
(((hugs))) Lura