Sunday, May 3


The 5th of May is not Mexican Independence Day, but it should be! And Cinco de Mayo is not an American holiday, and it should be. Mexico declared its independence from the mother Spain on midnight, the 15th of September, 1810.

The holiday has been celebrated in the United States at many organizations. One method of honoring our decedents, was to have a Mercado, which is Spanish for Open Air Market. This is one of the methods Internal Revenue Service (where I retired from) had of honoring our decedents from Mexico. The open markets would feature handmade Pinatas', original foods, paper flowers, and other items, mostly handmade by employees. It was a fun time for everyone involved. The celebration established the concept of working together, and understanding the history of the employees we worked side by side with every day. The money earned was put into the Employee Assistance Fund, for employees that may need help. The Mercado did many things; it taught us about our Mexican ancestry, taught us teamwork, respect for one another, and the responsibility we had to help our fellow employees that may be in need.

Mexicans never forget who their friends are, and neither do Americans. That's why Cinco de Mayo is such an important holiday and party ! A holiday and party that celebrates freedom and liberty.


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