Saturday, August 1


My brother Tom was born August 6, 1945 and passed away in 2002 from a massive heart attack. He was such a sweet man (as you can tell from the picture.) He had a heart of gold. When Irish eyes are smiling !!

Tom and me in Sioux Falls, SD. I loved my brother. He was good hearted and kind. But he did have a bit of an Irish temper, but then Mom was a true Irish lass, and Dad was of German extract. It is nice to say my brother was my "friend" as well as my brother.

The little horse with Tom is one I have. The horse is probably around 60 years old, and our great-children love it to pieces. All the pictures I have of Tom, he was always smiling. He did have his share of heartaches, but I can never remember him hurting anyone. Guess he just kept it all inside. As I age, I appreciate my family more and more. They were good people, kept to themselves, never broad cast their problems and as all families do, they had their share. Mom and Dad loved life. Our parents taught us to give to others, to take people at their word. The older I get, I find out how smart they were.

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