Wednesday, March 4


Be thankful and look to every new day with a positive hope.
Take time to pull yourself away from all the noise and just look around you.
Take inventory. Appreciate those who have enhanced the quality of your life,
and remember that they have been a gift to you.
And remember that you're an gift to them too.

Be grateful for the choices you've made, both good and bad.
Accept your mistakes; you can't change them anyway.
Apply what you've learned and go on.
Use these lessons to help you with your other decisions in life.
Appreciate yourself and your own uniqueness.

Go outside and look at the sky. Soak in the atmosphere.
Enjoy the colors of the landscapes.
Feel the textures of every place you are that you are thankful for.
Smile at the world.
Don't allow any negative feelings to creep into your consciousness.
Feel the power of your own acceptance.
Put a positive spin on every thought you have.

Make every day special. Own it. Enjoy it. Bask in the glory of life.
Appreciate the gift of your own life

~Doris Fargo~

So many times in my life, I have met people that have tried to make me feel less than I am. Now I try very hard to understand them, and I realize they may be the one with the problem. Many, many times, these are the people that judge when they shouldn't be judging. Criticize when they shouldn't be criticizing, and not tell the truth. These are the things I have now found out, that bug me. Insecure people are simply insecure people. My Mom used to tell me I wore my heart on my sleeve. Now I know what she meant. Thanks Mom and Dad for raising me with an open mind, and a loving and trusting heart. Our family has had some very traumatic hits, but now I am finding out, we just don't go around and dump our heartaches and troubles on others. I would guess that would be where the pride we have as a family comes in. We were always taught to take care of your own, make your own way in this life, and not take from others. It is a comforting feeling to know "I did it my way".


Grammy Staffy said...

What a beautiful poem. I would like to copy it and keep it if that is ok with you.

I wear my heart on my sleeve too....and while that makes me more vulnerable at times to hurt.... it has also helped my to get close to a lot of people.

Of course nothing hurts more than being criticized by family and those we love. I am glad that you have been able to let it roll off of your back.... sometimes I am better at it than others.

I hope that you are happy and doing well. My stomach is acting up today but I am sure that I will feel better soon.

Hugs, Lura

Grandma B said...

The poem is not my original. I have credited the writer at the bottom of the poem, so copy away. This came from another one of the wonderful books Mom had. Boy, she was way ahead of her time. We do really do well within our family unit, even with the daughter with Schizophrenia, but it is the outsiders that get to me sometimes. Most of the time I am able to let it roll of my back, but sometimes not, either. I am finding the older I get, the easier it is though.

Can I send you a box of Tums to make your tummy feel better? One of my grand daughters told me to try dill pickle juice (just a bit) for an upset stomach, but haven't quite been able to get past the smell. Yuck....she does say it works though.

Did I tell you we are expecting great-grandchild #13 in September? Today my grand daughter and her husband went to her doctor, and they heard the baby's heart beat for the first time. They are thrilled to death.

xoxoxoxox LOL